June 11, 2009

Picture 4.28.09

I should have put these pictures up earlier but here they are:

These are the raised beds I built in my field because the land was too low and wet.

This is Growbox #1. The last time it was tilled and planted was over 16 years ago. Most of it was vines and bushes that we had to clear out before we could plant.

My carrots. I can't believe how small they were back then. They have grown very fast.

This is Growbox #2. Aunt B and I built it this year. It has been my Winter / Spring garden.

These are my sweet potatoes, my potatoes and Growbox #2.


Ellis Richards

June 4, 2009

Garden Update

It's been a very long time since the last complete garden update. It's amazing how fast time and weeds can get away from you. Today Aunt B and I went and got about 24 bags of leaves. We put some on most everything. We did some weeding and I transplanted my beans to fill in the first set. We picked a lot of beets and a few radishes. We cooked the beets and I tried them for lunch. They were okay for being grown in the ground and having no added sugar. (or high fructose cornsyrup)

Plant Status: (6.4.09)

Beets: They are about a foot tall and I have been harvesting a lot of them.  There are 5 short rows but they are disappearing fast because they need to be picked.  

Cabbage: The two of the Cabbages that were planted in Growbox 1 are doing good. They are at least 2 1/2 feetin diameter. The other two that were in the low growbox but I transplanted to the large growbox are not doing too good. They are much smaller than the others. They are maybe 1 foot across, maybe smaller. All four of them are being eaten up completely be cabbage worms. I haven't been in the right store yet to buy the organic insectidial I want.  

Carrots: They are over a foot tall and looking healthy.  

Chard (Swis): I have harvested tons of Swis Chard this year. All of them are still growing and they are looking healthy. 

Corn: After two trys with Heirloom corn we ran out of seed. Aunt B gave me some hybid Peaches and Cream Corn so I planted 3 20 foot rows of it.  

Cucumbers: I transplanted 8 plants outside too quickly and killed them all. I gave 4 to Aunt B and they all died. I have 12 more plants that are about 3 to 8 inches long. I will be more careful with them. I believe that two of the plants I got from the flea market are pumkins, Aunt B says they are a different kind of cucumber. 

Eggplant: They are still on the deck. They are green but not growing at all. They are about 1 inch tall. I replanted four of them in good potting soil. I hope that works.  

Garlic: They are about 7 inchs tall and doing great. 

Kale: I have harvested tons of Kale and they have gotten up to 4 feet tall.  End of Season 

Lettuce: The green lettuce Aunt B gave me bolted already. My red romaine is being eaten by some animal. Aunt B planted me two other kinds of Lettuce. They have not come up yet. 

Melons: I have about 4 to 6 still alive in the field. Because not many of them made it I got some more at the flea market. I have many different kinds and they are all about 5 inches long. (They grow along the ground, not up) 

Okra: The first time I planted not many of them came up because it was too cool. Then I planted some in potting soil on the deck. I will move it down to the field so that it will warm up. 

Onions: About 4 of my onions survived. They are about 4 inches tall. The onion sets Aunt B gave me are doing great. They are almost 2 feet tal. 

Peppers: The are on the deck and they are growing very very slowly. I got some more at the flea market but I don't think I'm giving them enough sunlight. I will move them to the field. 

Potatoes (Irish): The tires are about 4-5 tires high. I filled them up will dirt as they grew and only one has come through the top yet. 

Potatoes (Sweet): They are doing great! Mrs. Stucky gave me a bunch and they have taken off and they are about 8 inches tall. 

Radishes: My second planting is doing pretty good. The three ones I left there to go to seed are huge. They are about 3 feet tall and they branch out almost 3 feet. 

Spinach: The ones in Growbox 2 failed so I dug them up. I don't know what went wrong. The ones in growbox 1 came up and they are done great. They are starting to go to seed now I believe. 

Squash: The Butternut squash is doing good. They are a few inches tall.  

Sunflowers: They are doing good and they are about 6 inches tall. 

Tomatoes: The are looking wonderful. I planted them in a layered rasied bed with leaves peatmoss and straw. I got some tomatoes from Charlie and from Mr. Campbell. 

Wheat: Maybe I should try Rice, I don't know 

-Ellis Richards

CEO of ER Farms and Gardening