March 24, 2012

New Area Landscaped

Here is part of what Aunt B and I accomplished last Wednesday. We pulled the weeds out from around the few flowers we have and put wood chips down. It looks much better. 

March 23, 2012

Mini Landscaping Update

The leaves are just starting to come out on the trees. I was very disappointed how few trees survived the tornado and drought last summer. Most of the trees that didn't fall over in the tornado had too much bark pulled off to survive. I have been working on clearing areas with the most vines and thorns. I can't let those grow another year or it will be much harder to clear.

Another big problem holding back cleanup is how to remove the cut wood from areas of forest without good access. I'm planning on buying an ATV and that will help, but for now all I can do it stack it and wait. Last Wednesday Aunt B came over and we worked outside all morning. We landscaped the flowers above the parking area. We put down a layer of wood chips. I will post pictures soon. That is now the only part of the entire 21 acres that looks decent.