April 20, 2009


After school today I got a lot done on the garden. 

I moved the 7 bags of grass over to the shed.
Pugged a hole in growbox 1 that soil of washing out of.
I weeded my growboxes.
I fixed the mower battery. (where it had come loose)
I brought in two bags of leaves from the woods.
I turned my compost pile.
I downloaded the seminar powerpoint.

Ellis Richards

April 19, 2009

Bountiful Blessings Farm Seminar

Today Aunt B took me to an gardening Seminar. I learned so much. I am downloading the powerpoint that the speaker gave so I can review it. After the seminar the speaker came to my garden to give me some advise. He told me to splt my large garden in half and only plant the upper half. I will devide it up into 20 foot long by 30 inchs wide plant beds. I will also do one or two of them in the lower part of the garden. I will just do them as a lasagna garden. I am so happy for his advise.

Ellis Richards

New Fertilizer 4.18.09

Aunt B and I mixed up some of this new fertilizer tonight . We put one cup of weat, a cup of rice, a cup of barley, and a cup of millet. 

I hope it works well. 

April 18, 2009

Garden Update

It's been a little awhile since I have written an update on the garden. 

Yesterday (4.17.09) Aunt B (Barbara McCasland) and I worked in the field and garden. I mowed the lower part of the field around the creek while she dug in the large garden. When I was almost through mowing Aunt B starting bagging the hay. We will use it for compost and for our Lasagna garden. I mowed the grass on the other side of the creek into a long pile. Then after taking the mower back up the hill and helped Aunt B bag the grass. We got seven forty gallon bags full of grass. We had a little more than that but Aunt B put a bag on the current compost pile. 

Aunt B tran planted some on my beets and radishes into neat spaced out rows. 

Plant Status: (4.18.09)

Beets: They are about 1 inch tall and looking healthy. I planted them about the first of march. Aunt B thinned them out and transplaned the extras into empty spots in the rows. 

Cabbage: I got 4 of these plants from school around the end of March. We transplanted two of them over to Grow Box two in between the Kale and Swis Chard.

Carrots: I planted these about the first of march like the Beets. They are about 1 inch tall and spreading out. 

Chard (Swis): These plants are ones that Aunt B gave me from her cold frame. They are healthy and I have already started eating some. They are ranging from about 3 inches tall to 5 inches tall. 

Corn: Has yet to be planted.

Cucumbers: I transplanted 8 plants outside too quickly and killed them all. I gave 4 to Aunt B and they all died. I have 12 more plants that are about 3 to 8 inches long. I will be more careful with them. 

Eggplant: They are still inside. The are about 1/2 inch tall and still looking healthy. 

Garlic: Aunt B gave me these and they are abotu 7 inchs tall and doing great. 

Kale: I have not had good luck with Kale. I have three kinds that only one of them is any good. They are small and growing very slowly even though I have harvested more Kale than anythign else. 

Lettuce: Aunt B gave me these plants from her cold frame. They are growing fast and they look healthy. They are not quite big enough yet to eat off of. 

Melons: I have lost many of these in the indoor "greenhouse" I have about 7 left and they are looking stronger by the day. Some of them might still die. They are about 3-4 inches tall. 

Okra: Has not been planted.

Onions: Most of mine that I transplanted outside died. Aunt B gave me some Onion sets so I hope those do good. 

Peppers: They are growing slowly in my room. They are less than a inch tall. 

Potatoes (Irish): They are coming up in the tires. I hope to plant some more next year. The ones we planted in the field were lost. It was just too wet. They rotted. 

Potatoes (Sweet): Has not been planted.

Radishes: They are less than a inch tall but looking very healty. They are planted in growbox 1. I planted them when I planted my beets and Spinach. 

Spinach: The ones in growbox 2 look a little yellow but I hope they will recover. Only some of the ones in growbox 1 came up. They are less than a inch tall. 

Squash: Has not been planted. 

Sunflowers: Has not been planted. 

Tomatoes: Has not been planted. I will get some Charlie about halfway through May. He said he would give me 8 Cluster tomato plants. I can't wait. I first need to buy or make some tomaoe cages. 

Wheat: haha. Not this year! 

-Ellis Richards

CEO of ER Farms and Gardening

April 12, 2009


This is the tire marks I left after I got the van stuck in the field. I went up and got my dad and then he set it up so Aunt B could pull it out with her truck. I was relieved when it didn't take as long as I thought it would.

Aunt B and I transplanted 8 cucumber plants on Sunday. (4.12.09) We tired to shade them with pine branches. They went into bad shock after being transplanted and then going through bad thunderstorms. I pray they make it through.

Here is my pear tree. I pruned it much eariler this year and it's doing great. It was a miracle that the blossoms made it through the frost.

This is a picture of my grow box #2. The date is 4.12.09

April 11, 2009

Gardening in Layers

Here is something interesting I found on Gardening in Layers.

Creating a Lasagna Garden


This method of gardening requires lugging bags of organic material to the bed.


But there is no tilling, and weeding will minimal after the bed is established.


Here’s how to do it:


Pick a site. Lay wet newspapers at least 1 inch thick over the site. Do not use the slick inserts.


Begin layering organic materials on top, such as peat moss, grass clippings, chopped leaves, bagged topsoil or compost and composted animal manure.


If you use pine needles, which are acidic, sprinkle a little lime on top. Wood ashes should be used sparingly.


Build the layers up to 24 inches deep if you are going to wait until the next season to plant. Build about 10 to 14 inches deep if planting immediately or in a few weeks.


Add a layer of pine bark or hardwood mulch to hold the layers in place.


When planting, put the root ball in the layers piled on top of the newspaper. Water in well.


Continue to add chopped leaves, grass clippings and compost seasonally to the beds as needed.


– Christine Arpe Gang

April 6, 2009

The Beginning Of ER Farms' Blog

To start this record I will name the people that have been a great help in starting this project and I will name the positions of the people working in on the project.

This project owes a lot to:

Barbara Mccasland
Floyd Mccasland
Evonne Richards 
Vern Lemon
Ruth Richards

Seed Savers INC.


Ellis Richards, CEO
Barbara Mccasland, Vice CEO

In this blog I will include information about ER Farms, gardening, and more. (and Pictures)

Thanks for reading,

Ellis Richards, CEO